The Triple Crown

An intensive three-level training program for reading classical Chinese medical literature

Good things come in threes.

In Chinese culture, three stands for creative completeness: Out of the void emerges the one, which differentiates into two: Yin and Yang. The third element is the central pivot that brings these two together and allows them to relate to each other. This creative process is what makes life possible. Through Humanity at the center, the duality of Heaven and Earth becomes the trinity of the “Three Powers” 三才 sāncái: Heaven and Earth and Humanity 天地人 tiān dì rén.

As is so often the case, this same Chinese phrase can also refer to the sun, moon, and stars in astronomy; the jīng-essence 精, Qì 氣, and shén-spirit 神 in Chinese medicine; the forehead, the nose, and the chin in face reading, and even the three basic materials of the bow maker: glue, lacquer, and string. Of course, Buddhists will also think of the “Three Jewels” 三寶 sānbǎo: The Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha; Confucians of the three treasures of government: the land, the population, and the government; and Daoists of the three cinnabar fields 丹田 dāntiān.

In the case of my nationally accredited training program, the name “Triple Crown” is not only a bit of a play on the Chinese terms 三才sāncái and 三寶 sānbǎo, but was inspired by my experience as part of a Masters Swim team on Whidbey Island where we have an annual Triple Crown challenge: A set of three progressively longer swims between Thanksgiving and New Years. Of course there is also the famous Triple Crown of horse racing, and plenty of other competitive “triple crown” events, from skiing to poker to surfing.

Not to worry: While I do have stringent entry and graduation requirements, there is zero competitiveness going on in my courses! Yes, I ask a lot of my students in terms of homework, time commitment, and consistent, active participation in live and online discussions where we critique each other’s translations. And with very rare exceptions, students cannot jump ahead but must fill out the survey so I can make sure that they meet all the requirements before being admitted to the first level. See the List of Prerequisites below…

What is the Triple Crown?

The Triple Crown is a three-level program designed and taught by Dr. Sabine Wilms, to instruct practitioners of Chinese medicine in the art of reading the historical sources of their medicine in the original Chinese. Offered as three independent and consecutive courses, we start every other year in mid September with Level 1, Foundation. We meet on Zoom most Thursdays at 9-10:30 am Pacific Standard Time. Scroll down to the bottom of this page for course dates.

Level I: Foundation

This class focuses on the basic grammar of classical Chinese, because this is the single most important piece missing in the vast majority of Chinese medicine practitioners who are working on reading classical Chinese texts in the original language. The deep philosophical content of the text selections and my love for this material are sure to inspire you in your studies.


14 lessons and 4 text readings (34 PDAs, including 3 Ethics)

Textbook: Brian Van Norden, Classical Chinese for Everyone

Start date: September 14, 2023

Level II: Diamond Core

The second round is the toughest, as we tackle more advanced historical texts with the help of a graduate-level academic text book. Without fluency in modern Chinese, this is hard work. But I am here to lend you a hand and pull you up the mountain with extensive feedback and personal encouragement. Together, we can complete this steep climb.


9 lessons and 5 text readings (21.5 PDAs, including 3 Ethics)

Textbook: Michael Fuller, Introduction to Literary Chinese

Start date: February 8, 2023


Level III: Medical Medley

My last course is your reward, the dance in the candy store of Chinese medical literature. Based on my unique and time-tested curriculum, you finally get to apply your hard-won skills to an exciting and diverse selection of medical texts in a very intimate setting with extensive personal guidance.This is where you get to enjoy the gorgeous vista from the mountain top after the arduous climb of the “Diamond Core.”


12 lessons and 5 text readings (31.5 PDAs)

Textbook: Sabine Wilms, Imperial Tutor’s Medical Medley

Start date: Fall 2024

What you will receive…

  • Each lesson starts with a formal recorded 1-hour lecture and detailed homework packet with a variety of activities. Your learning is supported by asynchronous discussion on our members-only forum and concludes each week with a live 1.5-hr discussion on Thursdays at 9 am PST.

  • In a private actively monitored area of my membership platform, you post your translations; receive my gentle yet detailed individual critique; share questions, comments, and tips; and access all ZOOM events and recordings, as well as a library of resources.

  • NCCAOM-certified CEUs are based on the hours of class time and include three Ethics PDAs for the Foundation and Diamond Core levels.Successful graduation also entitles you to a Certificate of Completion, which opens access to the next level of my Triple Crown program.

  • The magic sauce that makes my courses special is YOU, the amazing students who sign up for this journey. I am eternally humbled by the quality of participants from all over the world who find their way to my program.

  • As an additional learning opportunity added in 2023, you get to attend Dr. Wilms’ online monthly text readings where you will be inspired by the work of graduates from previous years who now compose the Peach Blossom Spring Collective. You will also form professional connections with translators from all over the world, get expert inside tips on translation and sinological research, and be an active observer in ongoing translation projects of the Collective, to prepare you for this work after you graduate from the Triple Crown program.


“To tax the shénmíng and intentionally create oneness and yet to not know the fundamental sameness of things, this is called Three in the Morning [and Four at Night]….”


To treat things as things and yet not let yourself be treated as a thing by things! Then how could you still get tied up in them! This is the method of the Yellow Emperor and Divine Farmer.”

— Zhuangzi

What you should bring…

  • I require some pre-existing Chinese background, or a willingness to make up for it with hard work. Basic pinyin, brush strokes, Wiseman’s 100 basic characters… For total beginners, see the other offerings in my PROGRAMS or fill out the admissions survey so we can talk about whether you can make this work.

  • Depending on your background, you will need several hours a week for homework: writing and memorizing characters, understanding grammar, working on the translations, and participating in the forum. Count on a minimum of two hours for each hour of live instruction, at least if you want the CEUs or graduation certificate.

  • This speaks for itself. Learning classical Chinese is not a skill to be “mastered” in one year, or even ten. Like medicine, it is the life-long refinement of an art that only gets better over years of practice. We all must learn from and with each other.

  • To participate in this training program, you have to have a stable internet connection. You have to attend live ZOOM meetings, navigate a user-friendly platform, download the weekly course packet and recordings, participate in the online discussion forum, and upload your homework assignments.

Course Dates: Foundations 2023

September 14

Introductory discussion

September 21

Lesson 1
Analects 17.2

September 28

Lesson 2
Analects 12.11

November 2

Lesson 5
Analects 12.11 and 6.20

November 30

Text reading
Topic: Suwen 1-3

December 28

Winter Break!

January 25

Text Reading
Topic: Suwen 1-3

October 12

Lesson 3
Analects 12.22, 4.2, 6.24

October 19

Lesson 4
Analects 2.17, Daodejing 33

October 26

Text reading
Topic: Suwen 1-3

November 9

Lesson 6
Daodejing 1, Analects 5.1

December 7

Lesson 8
Analects 15.3, 15.24, 4.15

January 4

Lesson 11
poetry 李白

November 16

Lesson 7
Analects 8.7 and 4.5

December 14

Lesson 9
Analects 5.13, Zhu Xi

January 11

Lesson 12
Mengzi 2A6 and 7B3

October 6

Text reading
Topic: Suwen 1-3

November 23

Thanksgiving Break!

December 21

Lesson 10
Zhuangzi 魚之樂

January 18

Lesson 13
Zhuangzi 蝴蝶之夢

Course Dates: Diamond Core 2024

February 8

Introductory discussion and review

February 15

Lesson 1: 困學
Nominal and verbal sentences

February 29

Study Break

March 7

Lesson 2: 宋國富人
Parts of Speech

March 14

Study Break

March 28

Text Reading
Topic: Nanjing

May 2

Text Reading
Topic: TBD

May 30

Study Break

June 27

Text reading
Topic: Nanjing

April 4

Study Break

April 25 and May 9

Study Break

(Dr. Wilms at the TCM Congress in Germany)

June 6

Lesson 7: 狐假虎威

March 21

Lesson 3: 守株待兔
Coordinate Verbs

April 18

Lesson 5: 矛盾

May 23

Text Reading
Topic: Nanjing

June 20

Lesson 8: 揠苗
Embedded sentences

April 11

Lesson 4: 刻舟求劍

May 16

Lesson 6: 楊布
Pivot and Auxiliary Verbs

June 13

Study Break

February 22

Text Reading
Topic: Nanjing

Course Dates: Medical Medley 2024-25

September 12

Introductory discussion and review

September 19

Lesson 1

《素文》 8

October 3

Lesson 2


October 10

Study Break

October 17

Lesson 3: 《莊子》

(Butcher Ding’s teachings on 養生)

October 31

Lesson 4:


December 5

Lesson 6
《難經》 selections

December 26

Winter Break

(no textreading in December)

January 23

Text reading

February 20

Study Break

November 7

Study Break

November 28

Study Break

(Turkey Day in the US)

January 9

Lesson 8
Case Studies: 《史記》etc.

February 13

Lesson 10

March 13

Study Break

February 27

Text reading
Topic: TBD

October 24

Text Reading

Topic: TBD

November 21

Text Reading
Topic: TBD

December 19

Lesson 7
管子 《內業》

January 16

Study Break

January 30

Lesson 9
《靈樞》 1 and 3

March 6

Lesson 11
《靈樞》 8

November 14

Lesson 5
孫思邈 on 鬼穴

December 12

Study Break

January 2

Study Break

February 6

Study Break

March 20

Lesson 12
《素文》 5

September 26

Text Reading

Topic: TBD


Contact me!

Or fill out the no-obligation admissions survey and I’ll advise you…


Reading the Chinese Medicine Classics Mentorship


Peach Blossom Spring Collective