Quality Time Decoding the Classics

“Dr. Sabine Wilms has created the most fantastic training in learning to read and translate Chinese medical literature. It’s a well-crafted course, that balances teaching input with practice and group learning and builds on skills that are gradually developed steadily and incrementally over many months. And of course, Sabine brings her fantastic, colourful character into every aspect of the training so that you feel like you have a wonderful, wise and kind big sister for the duration, guiding you into the mysterious world of Chinese literature.

Sabine always manages to make the serious endeavour of learning something as challenging as Classical Chinese feel fun and accessible. Being a woman of such high-calibre professional expertise and standing, she naturally expects as much and so she creates an environment that both invites and evokes a passion for discovering the beautiful classics that underpin Chinese Medicine. While it is an academic training, it is also a contemplative journey.

Having been terribly short of time myself during my participation, my advice is to make sure you can carve out a sense of spaciousness around the time you can give, so that the contemplative nature of this kind of study can be given its rightful due. In all, the Triple Crown is a fantastic training and a beautiful experience and Sabine is an exceptional human being – it’s worth doing the training just to spend quality time in her company and glimpse her extraordinary talent for decoding the classics.”

Freya Sherlock, self-proclaimed “Qi Doctor and Radical Wellness Coach,” Cork, Ireland


Staring at the pieces of a white puzzle…